Redefining what it means to be beautiful, to be strong, and to be a woman.
Nippon Bijin is a game-changing, female-led organization that works towards breaking the stereotype of what a Japanese woman is through pageantry.
Here in Nippon Bijin, we aim for our finalists and titleholders to see the pageant not as the end goal but as a beginning of a journey with a renewed perception of who they are and what they can achieve. We want them to have a strong sense of self and be dedicated to inspiring and effecting positive change.
We encourage women to be fearless in their pursuit in defining what they believe to be a beautiful and strong woman.
Nippon Bijinではミス・コンテストを通じて日本人女性の固定観念を打ち破ることに取り組んでいます。
いよいよNIPPON BIJIN 2022が始まります
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